Thursday, March 31, 2011

Nozomi Sasaki

Nozomi Sasaki, Nozomi Sasaki photo, Nozomi Sasaki picture, Nozomi Sasaki gallery

* Name Nozomi Sasaki
* Japanese: 佐々木希 (ささき・のぞみ)
* Birthdate: February 8, 1988
* Birthplace: Akita City, Akita Prefecture, Japan
* Blood Type: AB
* Talent Agency: Topcoat
Nozomi Sasaki, Nozomi Sasaki photo, Nozomi Sasaki picture, Nozomi Sasaki gallery


Nozomi Sasaki, Nozomi Sasaki photo, Nozomi Sasaki picture, Nozomi Sasaki gallery


Nozomi was born and raised in Akita, and began fashion modeling in her teens. She entered the magazine scene in late 2000s after been discovered by a seasoned fashion model, Emi Suzuki, who introduced her on the Pinky fashion magazine in late 2007. This magazine, Pinky, was originally for Emi Suzuki, since it was created for the popular model, but Nozomi became its featured model especially after March 2008 when she landed alone on the cover.

After (essentially) quitting fashion modeling, she has been a gravure model, and occasional actress since 2008 when she played a role in the movie Handsome Suits.

Nozomi Sasaki, Nozomi Sasaki photo, Nozomi Sasaki picture, Nozomi Sasaki gallery


She has landed principal credits for many television commercials such as the Goo magazine (Proto Corporation), Fit's (Lotte), Essential (Kao), FinePix (Fuji Film), Amo's Style (Triumph), Oxy (Rohto), Calori (Suntory), Sokenbicha (Coca Cola), So-net, Parco and Willcom. Fit's became a huge hit.

She, as a gravure model, has appeared in many magazines and has been a prominent gravure icon of the Young Jump magazine. She has released 5 solo photo collections and 2 solo DVDs since 2008; "Nozomi" (2008), "Sasaki Nozomi in Tenshi no Koi" (2009), "Non" (2009), "Prism" (2010), "Nozokimi" (2010), "Weekly Young Jump Premium DVD 'nozomi'" (2008), "Dolly" (2009).

Nozomi Sasaki, Nozomi Sasaki photo, Nozomi Sasaki picture, Nozomi Sasaki gallery


She has also worked for the K-1 kickboxing league and the Dream mixed martial arts league since 2009, dealing with thousands of buff brutes from all over the world. She has even worked as a main announcer for K-1's new year's eve extravaganza "Dynamite!!" series since 2009.

She has released two singles, "Kamu to Funyan" and "Jin Jin Jingle Bell"

Nozomi Sasaki, Nozomi Sasaki photo, Nozomi Sasaki picture, Nozomi Sasaki gallery


Fresh Look - Popular Desember 2009 // Violetta Brown

Profile :
VIOLETTA BROWN "Coklat Beraroma Sensual"

Siapa bilang wanita berkulit sawo matang tidak memiliki sex appeal? Model pilihan POPULAR kali ini membuktikan ‘hitam manis’ adalah sebuah pesona yang langka!
Rambut hitam panjang terurai, tatapan mata yang tegas, dan kulit sawo matang yang bersinar. Ah, tampaknya pesona yang langka ini hanya milik Violetta Brown. Ya, di tengah serbuan model-model berkulit putih, Letta—begitu dia biasa dipanggil—memiliki kelas tersendiri dalam kategori seksi. “Menurutku wanita berkulit hitam itu terlihat seksi. Apalagi kalau tubuhnya basah,” ujarnya pelan.

Jika kebanyakan wanita melakukan berbagai cara agar kulitnya tampak lebih putih, tidak sebaliknya dengan Letta. Dia justru rajin berjemur di pantai agar kulitnya terlihat lebih coklat. Tentu saja kulit yang terlihat lebih gelap ini tidak memudarkan pesona eksotisnya. “Aku kalau ke Bali pasti selalu berjemur sampai kulit terlihat gelap. Kalau tidak begitu, seperti tidak pernah ke Bali,” ucapnya diplomatis.

Dari sekian banyak pantai yang ada di belahan dunia, dia memilih pantai di sekitar Pulau Batam sebagai tempat favorit untuk berjemur. “Kebetulan orang tua aku tinggal di sana. Jadi setiap hari pasti selalu berjemur. Apalagi pantai di sana sangat private karena terhalang oleh beberapa pulau.” Apakah berarti Letta bisa berjemur tanpa selehai benang? “Aku bukan nudist, jadi cukup berbikini saja," tandasnya.

Drunk and Sex
Saat ini, Letta mengaku sedang menjauhi aktivitasnya di kehidupan malam. Padahal, dia mengaku sebelumnya adalah seorang partygoer yang ugal-ugalan, mabuk sampai tidak sadarkan diri. “Aku pernah mengorbankan janji untuk datang ke acara pernikahan anggota keluargaku karena terlalu mabuk saat clubbing sampai tidak tahu berada di mana dan bangun kesiangan. Pengalaman ini membuat aku drop, sampai malas clubbing. Pokoknya, aku nggak mau mengulanginya lagi,” sesalnya.

Minuman keras tidak hanya membuatnya dikucilkan keluarga, tetapi Letta mengaku gara-gara terlalu mabuk dia juga harus rela kehilangan yang selama ini ia jaga. “Biasanya aku kalo clubbing itu selalu ditemani. Tapi karena temanku lengah, ketika mabuk aku kebablasan sama pacar.” Menyesal? “Tentu saja. Aku merasa dimanfaatkan sama pacarku itu, padahal selama ini aku selalu menghindar jika diajak ML,” papar mahasiswi akademi farmasi di Jakarta ini sambil menggigit bibir bawahnya seolah ‘gemas’ dengan peristiwa yang terjadi beberapa tahun lalu tersebut.

Ironisnya, setelah itu justru sang pacar malah menikahi wanita lain. “Aku merasa dicampakkan sampai-sampai merasa depresi. Tapi sudahlah, yang jelas pengalaman itu membuat aku lebih berhati-hati. Lagipula kami sekarang masih berhubungan kok.” Apakah ini pertanda CLBK (Cinta Lama Bersemi Kembali)? “Kami cuma sebagai teman baik saja, tidak lebih,” tampiknya sambil menyibakkan rambut indahnya.

One Night Stand
Dari pengalaman pertamanya yang terkesan 'dipaksakan', justru kini Letta mengaku mahir melakukannya. Meski enggan menyebut detil gaya favorit, kemahirannya dalam bercinta dipelajarinya secara otodidak. “Aku dulu memang takut dan cenderung menghindar, tapi kalau sekarang sih jago,” tuturnya sambil tersipu.

Nah, meski terbuka mengenai hasrat seksnya, Letta tidak begitu saja mempersembahkan tubuh moleknya ke sembarang pria. Terutama pria-pria bule yang dinilainya hanya mengejar seks belaka. "Bule itu terlalu open untuk urusan free sex. Aku nggak mau terlalu dieksploitasi secara seksual oleh cowok.” Namun dia memberi pengecualian, “Kalau bulenya lajang dan muda sih nggak apa-apa. Yang jelas jangan sampai one night stand, biasanya itu dilakukan tanpa dasar cinta,” pungkasnya.

Dalam suatu hubungan menurut Letta urusan cinta-cintaan adalah poin utamanya. Bahkan, untuk soal fisik dia kesampingkan. “Asal tidak cacat mental dan cacat fisik, cowok baik hati adalah sosok yang kucari. Untuk saat ini materi juga bukan prioritas aku. Aku masih pakai hati tidak melihat materi,” serunya menutup perbincangan hangat hari itu. So.., anyone out there?

Asian Girl Photo Collection


Indonesian Actress : Jessica Iskandar like to Miyabi

Profile :
Birth name : Jessica Iskandar
Born January : 29, 1988 (age 21)
Address : Jakarta , Indonesia
Occuption : Actress

Photo Gallery:

The Art of Photograph

Victoria Tjong - Women or Men....??


Full Name: Victoria Tjong
Call Name: VIC
Place / Date of Birth: JONGKONG, WEST KALIMANTAN, 17 DECEMBER 1977
Education Last: DIPLOMA III
Occupation: MODEL
Career Sinetron: 'GIRL RIMBA', 'COAST GUARD', 'FTV HIKAYAH'; 'CHILD crust egg seller FORGET THE SELF', 'TANTE seducer'.
Favorite musicians: J LO, Gong Li, Kylie MINOQUE, ANGGUN
Favorite movie star: JULIA ROBERT, Gong Li, STEVEN Siegel, Pierce Brosnan
Favorite Author:
Height / Weight: 171 cm / 49 kg
Size: Shirt: 2 Pants: 27 Bra: 34 Shoes: 40

Reading Nature of Man in Bed with Phallomancy

Male Sex Organ Reading Called Phallomancy

There are various ways of telling personalities of men. It can be determined through astrology, palm, and face readings, even simple personality tests can give insights depending on the score.But compared to all of these, there is a more specific and accurate method of how to determine a
guy's quality and state of being as a person - through a reading called Phallomancy. An ancient kind of divination practiced in India and Tibet several years ago, and is a very unusual kind of body reading that concentrates on male reproductive organs. It is here where sizes and features of male genitalia provides intuitive perceptions of future life, character, number of children, attitude towards love and relationships, and of course sexual abilities or capacities.

Interpretations of Length:

Guys with long genitalia (over 3.5 inches) depict someone who as a lover, possesses profound skills and imaginations in creating interesting ideas for his relationship. A proud owner of his king-sized equipment, he is a dare devil when it comes to love making. He is always up for new or wild techniques and executes it in a way that he and his partner will enjoy.

Sounds like a promising explanation. But basing on old beliefs thousands of years ago, long genitalia brings a negative kind of vibe. For ancient Hindus it depicts a life surrounded by danger, he will never bear a son, and that he will live a life of poverty. Old Tibetans have split beliefs on this; for them, male genitalia not more than six inches long, may experience a wealthy life and reveal someone who is a good spouse. But if it is way longer, like if it reaches the base of his feet when he crouches, it means bad luck and a life of suffering.

Short genitalia (less than 3 inches) reveals a guy who is idealistic and a mysteriously unusual kind of lover. He may have an unpredictable mood and is quite insensitive, but when he gives his word on something, he will really take it into action to fulfill it. Feeling kind of timid with his pint-sized equipment, this guy is quite reserved and shy when it comes to sex. But the moment he starts to operate he sure can perform.

When we speak of thickness, chunky genitalia depict a person who is decisive with his creative ideas and is ablaze with vigor. For genital organ that's only thickon the base part, it reveals a guy who values his freedom; he wants to be always free from the control and power of another. A
skinny or slender member however, signifies an outspoken guy with a romantic side and likes expressing his love through poetry. He has no problems in speaking boldly about his feelings, an excellent teaser and flirt, and enjoys talking dirty to his partner about how he will please and satisfy her when they make love. A guy having a combination of long and skinny genital feature may reveal someone who is only concerned with his own desires, needs or interests.

As for texture, a guy with a smooth member reveals someone who is at all times, directly apprehended with his partners' feelings. Being a suave type of guy and always at ease with what he perceives, attuning himself to new situations is never a trouble. If a male organ is not smooth all the way, it signifies fickle mindedness and is a difficult lover. However, when it has bumpy surfaces all over, it depicts someone who is careful and shows close attentiveness in avoiding a messed up performance during lovemaking. He has creative strategies and always analyzes what moves to be done in order to make the moment extra special. It's normal for him to hold back during the first few seconds of love making, but after awhile he will get into action and when he does, he is on fire!

Pertaining to the structure of male genitalia, a straight member signifies wealth. If it's slightly slanted to the left it reveals someone who is concerned of what he acquires in matters of love and sex but have no intentions of returning the favor. He is into keeping secrets and when it comes to relationships, he is quite wary of showing his real emotions, not until he is sure that his partner is for real and that he is not being played.

A male sex organ that's slightly curved to the right depicts someone who gives his all when it comes to love and sex. He does everything for his partners' satisfaction and happiness without asking for anything in return. But when it comes to personal secrets, he is so not good in keeping one. His sex and love life is an open topic - he is not afraid to uncover every single detail about it and has no hesitations of asking people about theirs.

An equipment that's bent on the base area reveals someone who is full of insecurities. He is into dwelling about his own sorrows most of the time and always thinks of himself as a victim of injustice. A member that's bent all the way signifies someone who is lascivious. He is into an
excessive indulgence of sexual activity; so much that he doesn't mind doing it with someone else other than his partner, as long as he gets what he wants he's happy. Long and bent depicts someone who can't be trusted with sexual matters. While short and bent reveals one who shows apprehensive uneasiness during sex.

The tip or head of male genitalia may either be bulbous, blunt or pointed. A bulbous tip reveals a guy with a lusty nature and endowed with a fascinating sexual performance. For him, there is a huge distinction between sex and relationship. So if he is giving his all during sex doesn't mean that he is doing the same on his relationship. A guy with a blunt tip means he is someone who is not really into words but more on doing something to express his inner feelings.

Pointed tip reveals a romantic lover who values his independence and seldom yields himself to the authority of his partner. For ancient Hindus, if the head of the member is curved inward or hollow in the middle, it means that his children will all be girls and that he will live a life of scarcity. But if the middle of the head is protruded, it portends a life of abundance specifically an increase in the number of his herd of cows.

Regarding testicular structure, ancient Hindus believe that an equally framed testis foretells kingship; but if it appears uneven, it reveals someone who is crazy about sex. They also consider the scent of seminal fluid meaningful. If it smells sweet as honey, it portends a wealthy life, a salty smell may mean a life of poverty, and if it smells like fish it means he will have a lot of children. As for the time spent on love making, they believe that the shorter the sex, the longer a mans' life would be and that a prolonged one will only lead to an early death.

Pubic hairs also play a role on this reading. If a male member has thick and spreading pubic hair, it signifies a lover with great physical strength. Always eager to know about his lovers' ex-partners and is making sure that he surpasses them all. He may be very competitive in a way but he is just mediocre when it comes to sexual performance. Scanty pubic hair depicts someone who has a more refined performance when it comes to sex. However, his sex drive fluctuates every now and then, so he needs to always be reassured about how good he is in bed to maintain his confidence.

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